At Ducks In A Row, we firmly believe that putting in a lot of hard work and having all the right tools for the job ensures the best quality of service. We are here to provide you the most effective solutions for your needs with our family of professionals.
Well-equipped, efficient, and reliable, we set the standard for your Duct Cleaning needs in Southern Arizona. Our team goes above and beyond to cater to each project’s specific needs. We want our customers to be satisfied with our work, which is why we provide open communication channels throughout every step of the way. Browse our site to learn more about the services and plans we offer.

We’ve got the most trusted and longest lasting solutions to removing allergens from the lungs of your place. Whether it be a nursing home, daycare center or your humble abode, we all deserve the same hospital quality air, especially when it comes to this high-quality add-on package. Take a break from all your hard work and breathe easy knowing that we’re here. Click to book!

For years, I’ve been wondering how the under-sides of vents get dirty. Not just where the air blows through (obviously), but in the lip of the register and on the ceiling/wall where the register came off of. Then, a friend and co-worker pointed out that none of these vents have been sealed off from the attic or space that they are connected to, and sometimes tiny insects or contaminants can pass through and wind up resting there. The holes that were cut for these vents to fit in are usually really close, but none are air-tight. This package takes your Air Duct Cleaning to the next level by providing sealants throughout your ducting and fittings, and is followed by an Allergy Reduction treatment guaranteed to last up to 6 months. If you are looking to eliminate any possibility of outside contaminants passing through and entering your environment, then this is as good as it can get.
Call for a free consultation and estimate. Also, feel free to scroll down to send us a simple e-mail or click on the chat-now box and we'll be right with you.

Questions, comments or quote requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.
Southern Arizona